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Organise all aspects of your church and connect your members with our easy-to-use apps.

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Strengthen connections within your church

Easily share spiritual messages, join discussion groups, and receive guidance and advice for personal growth and development within the church community.


With the ability to communicate privately with members, participate in group chats and stay connected with push notifications, members will always be informed about what's happening in your church community. And with our mobile messaging feature, they can stay connected on the go.

The Messages module allows you to lead your community more effectively, by providing you with the tools to keep your community informed and engaged, and to reach out to your community members when they need you.

Choyr allows you to keep your community connected and build stronger relationships with your members.

Communicate in private

Share messages one-on-one with members of your church community.

Chat in groups

Members can join and participate in group discussions.

Always available

Connect and communicate with your church community at any time, anywhere.

Messages on Mobile

Messages is available on the Choyr mobile app for iOS and Android.

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A powerful tool for church leaders to build and manage their church community, Groups offers the ability to create and manage events within specific groups.

Leaders can keep members informed and engaged, and privacy controls offer the leaders to control the level of privacy for each group, ensuring the safety and security of members.

Events within Groups

Events within specific groups keep members informed and engaged.

Talk in Topics

Join and participate in discussions on specific topics within groups.

Privacy Controls

Control the level of privacy for each group to ensure the safety of members.

Groups on Mobile

Stay connected with church groups on the go with our mobile Groups feature.

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Church leaders can effectively provide support and guidance to their community members. The Advice module allows leaders to connect with members who need advice and offer them the guidance they need.

With Choyr, leaders can effectively provide support and guidance to their community, ensuring that members have access to the information they need to grow and develop spiritually.

Talk to those in need

Connect with members who need advice and guidance, and provide them with the support they need.

Rich content editor

Create and share rich, detailed advice with your members using our advanced content editor.

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Manage and support your church's operations

Easily plan, promote, and manage events, track attendance, and collect and manage donations to support your church's mission and growth.


Events is a powerful tool for church leaders to plan, promote, and manage events for their community.

Church leaders can effectively manage and promote their events. It allows leaders to plan and schedule events with ease, track attendance and also find volunteers for their events. This makes it convenient for members to attend events, and also it will help leaders to plan events more effectively.

With Choyr, leaders can streamline their church's event operations and increase its impact, by providing members with easy access to events and the necessary information to attend them.

Easily schedule events

Plan events with ease and share them with your church community.

Keep track of attendees

Manage event attendance and track RSVPs for better event planning.

Recurring Events

Create recurring events for regular meetings or services.

Recruit volunteers

Easily find and recruit volunteers for your events.

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The Donations module of Choyr is a powerful fundraising tool for church leaders.

Launch and manage donation campaigns with ease, and collect contributions from the community. You can customize campaigns to cater to specific fundraising goals or events, keeping your donors informed of the impact of their generosity through updates.

And with the mobile donations feature, members can continue to support your church's mission even when they're on the go.

Easily accept donations

Easily collect donations with customizable campaigns and real-time updates.

Customize campaigns

Tailor campaigns to specific fundraising goals and events.

Post updates

Keep your community informed of the impact of their donations.

Donations on Mobile

Allow members to easily donate on the go with mobile donations.

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Easily communicate and share with your community

Stay informed and connected with your community by sharing news, updates, and media, all in one central location with Choyr's powerful sharing tools.


Feed empowers members to share their story, post updates, share photos and albums, and even make prayer requests to connect with the community in a deeper, more meaningful way.

Feed gives members the tools to communicate their personal experiences, and connect with others in a relatable and meaningful way. With Choyr, members can elevate their voice and build a more connected and engaged community.

Share content with members

Easily post updates, announcements, and other content for your church community to see.

Showcase beautiful photos

Share photos and videos of your church's events and activities with your community.

Make prayer requests

Allow members to make prayer requests and offer support to one another.

Feed on Mobile

Stay connected with your church community on the go with the mobile Feed.

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The Media module of Choyr is the ultimate storytelling tool for church leaders. It empowers you to curate and share your church's media in one central location, making it accessible, engaging, and easy to navigate for your community.

Whether it's videos, photos, or audio recordings, with Choyr's Media module, you can showcase your church's story in a visually stunning way, and keep your community informed, engaged, and connected to your mission and purpose.

A place for all of your media

Store and organize all of your church's media in one central location.

Media presented beautifully

Display your media in a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate format.

Upload sermons

Share your sermons with your church community via audio or video.

Media on Mobile

Access your church's media on the go with our mobile Media feature.

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The News module of Choyr is a powerful storytelling tool for church leaders. It empowers you to share your church's message, updates, events, and more in a simple yet powerful way.

Our advanced content editor allows you to craft rich, detailed articles, complete with images and multimedia that bring your message to life.

With Choyr's News module, you can create a dynamic and ever-evolving narrative that keeps your community informed, engaged, and connected to your church's mission and purpose.

Simple but powerful articles

Easily create and share news articles with your church community.

Rich content editor

Create and share rich, detailed articles with your members using our advanced content editor.

Add images to your articles

Enhance your articles with visually stunning images and free stock photography.

News on Mobile

Stay informed and connected with your church community on the go with our mobile News feature.

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